Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Douay-Rheims :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 35 -

What sacrifices are pleasing to God.

He that keepeth the law, multiplieth offerings.
It is a wholesome sacrifice to take heed to the commandments, and to depart from all iniquity.
And to depart from injustice, is to offer a propitiatory sacrifice for injustices, and a begging of pardon for sins.
He shall return thanks, that offereth fine flour: and he that doth mercy, offereth sacrifice.
To depart from iniquity is that which pleaseth the Lord, and to depart from injustice, is an entreaty for sins.
Thou shalt not appear empty in the sight of the Lord.
For all these things are to be done because of the commandment of God.
The oblation of the just maketh the altar fat, and is an odour of sweetness in the sight of the most High.
The sacrifice of the just is acceptable, and the Lord will not forget the memorial thereof.
Give glory to God with a good heart: and diminish not the firstfruits of thy hands.
In every gift shew a cheerful countenance, and sanctify thy tithes with joy.
Give to the most High according to what he hath given to thee, and with a good eye do according to the ability of thy hands:
For the Lord maketh recompense, and will give thee seven times as much.
Do not offer wicked gifts, for such he will not receive.
And look not upon an unjust sacrifice, for the Lord is judge, and there is not with him respect of person.
The Lord will not accept any person against a poor man, and he will hear the prayer of him that is wronged.
He will not despise the prayers of the fatherless; nor the widow, when she poureth out her complaint.
Do not the widow’s tears run down the cheek, and her cry against him that causeth them to fall?
For from the cheek they go up even to heaven, and the Lord that heareth will not be delighted with them.
He that adoreth God with joy, shall be accepted, and his prayer shall approach even to the clouds.
The prayer of him that humbleth himself, shall pierce the clouds: and till it come nigh he will not be comforted: and he will not depart till the most High behold.
And the Lord will not be slack, but will judge for the just, and will do judgment: and the Almighty will not have patience with them, that he may crush their back:
And he will repay vengeance to the Gentiles, till he have taken away the multitude of the proud, and broken the sceptres of the unjust,
Till he have rendered to men according to their deeds: and according to the works of Adam, and according to his presumption,
Till he have judged the cause of his people, and he shall delight the just with his mercy.
The mercy of God is beautiful in the time of affliction, as a cloud of rain in the time of drought.

What sacrifices are pleasing to God.

He who keeps the law multiplies offerings. He who heeds the commandments sacrifices a peace offering.
He who returns a kindness offers fine flour. He who gives alms sacrifices a thank offering.
To depart from wickedness pleases the Lord. To depart from unrighteousness is an atoning sacrifice.
See that you don’t appear in the presence of the Lord empty.
For all these things are done because of the commandment.
The offering of the righteous enriches the altar. The sweet fragrance of it is before the Most High.
The sacrifice of a righteous man is acceptable. It won’t be forgotten.
Glorify the Lord with generosity. Don’t reduce the first fruits of your hands.
In every gift show a cheerful countenance, And dedicate your tithe with gladness.
Give to the Most High according as he has given. As your hand has found, give generously.
For the Lord repays, and he will repay you sevenfold.
Don’t plan to bribe him with gifts, for he will not receive them. Don’t set your mind on an unrighteous sacrifice, For the Lord is the judge, and with him is no respect of persons.
He won’t accept any person against a poor man. He will listen to the prayer of him who is wronged.
He will in no way despise the supplication of the fatherless or the widow, when she pours out her tale.
Don’t the tears of the widow run down her cheek? Isn’t her cry against him who has caused them to fall?
He who serves God according to his good pleasure will be accepted. His supplication will reach to the clouds.
The prayer of the humble pierces the clouds. until it comes near, he will not be comforted. He won’t depart until the Most High visits and he judges righteously and executes judgment.
And the Lord will not be slack, neither will he be patient toward them, until he has crushed the loins of the unmerciful. He will repay vengeance to the heathen until he has taken away the multitude of the arrogant and broken in pieces the sceptres of the unrighteous,
until he has rendered to every man according to his deeds, and repaid the works of men according to their plans, until he has judged the cause of his people, and he will make them rejoice in his mercy.
Mercy is as welcome in the time of his affliction, as clouds of rain in the time of drought.