Gottes Neue Bibel

The Second Book of Moses: Exodus

Literal Standard Version :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 30 -

(Exodus 37:25–29)
And you have made an altar [for] making incense; you make it of shittim wood;
a cubit its length and a cubit its breadth (it is square), and two cubits its height; its horns [are] of the same.
And you have overlaid it with pure goldits top, and around its sides, and its horns; and you have made a crown of gold for it all around;
and you make two rings of gold for it, under its crown on its two ribs; you make [them] on its two sides, and they have become places for poles to carry it with them.
And you have made the poles of shittim wood, and have overlaid them with gold;
and you have put it before the veil, which [is] by the Ark of the Testimony, before the propitiatory covering which [is] over the Testimony, where I meet with you.
And Aaron has made incense on it, incense of spices, morning by morning; in his making the lamps right, he makes incense [on] it,
and in Aaron’s causing the lamps to go up between the evenings, he makes incense [on] it; [it is] a continual incense before YHWH throughout your generations.
You do not cause strange incense to go up on itand burnt-offering and present; and you do not pour out a drink-offering on it;
and Aaron has made atonement on its horns once in a year, by the blood of the sin-offering of atonements; once in a year he makes atonement for it, throughout your generations; it [is] most holy to YHWH.”

The Census Offering

(2 Samuel 24:1–9; 1 Chronicles 21:1–6)
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
When you take up the census of the sons of Israel for their numbers, then they have each given an atonement [for] his soul to YHWH in their being numbered, and there is no plague among them in their being numbered.
This they give, everyone passing over to those numbered, half a shekel, by the shekel of the holy place (the shekel [is] twenty gerahs); half a shekel [is] the raised-offering to YHWH;
everyone passing over to those numbered, from a son of twenty years and upwards, gives the raised-offering of YHWH;
the rich do not multiply, and the poor do not diminish from the half-shekel, to give the raised-offering of YHWH, to make atonement for your souls.
And you have taken the atonement-money from the sons of Israel, and have given it for the service of the Tent of Meeting; and it has been to the sons of Israel for a memorial before YHWH, to make atonement for your souls.”

The Bronze Basin

(Exodus 38:8)
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
And you have made a laver of bronze (and its base of bronze), for washing; and you have put it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and have put water [in] there,
and Aaron and his sons have washed their hands and their feet from it;
they wash [with] water in their going into the Tent of Meeting, and do not die; or in their drawing near to the altar to minister, to make incense [as] a fire-offering to YHWH,
then they have washed their hands and their feet, and they do not die, and it has been a continuous statute to them, to him and to his seed, throughout their generations.”

The Anointing Oil

And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
And you, take [these] principal spices for yourself: five hundred [shekels] of liquid myrrh, and the half of thattwo hundred and fifty [shekels]—of spice-cinnamon, and two hundred and fifty [shekels] of spice-cane,
and five hundred [shekels] of cassia, by the shekel of the holy place, and a hin of olive oil;
and you have made it a holy anointing oil, a compound mixture, work of a compounder; it is a holy anointing oil.
And with it you have anointed the Tent of Meeting, and the Ark of the Testimony,
and the table and all its vessels, and the lampstand and its vessels, and the altar of incense,
and the altar of burnt-offering and all its vessels, and the laver and its base;
and you have sanctified them, and they have been most holy; all that is coming against them is holy;
and you anoint Aaron and his sons, and have sanctified them for being priests to Me.
And you speak to the sons of Israel, saying, This is a holy anointing oil to Me, throughout your generations;
it is not poured on [the] flesh of man, and you make nothing [else] like it in its proportion; it [is] holyit is holy to you;
a man who compounds [any] like it, or who puts of it on a stranger, has even been cut off from his people.”

The Incense

And YHWH says to Moses, “Take to yourself spicesstacte, and onycha, and galbanumspices and pure frankincense; they are part for part;
and you have made it an incense, a compound, work of a compounder, salted, pure, holy;
and you have beaten [some] of it small, and have put of it before the Testimony in the Tent of Meeting, to where I meet with you; it is most holy to you.
As for the incense which you make, you do not make [any] for yourselves in its proportion; it is holy to you for YHWH;
a man who makes [any] like itto be refreshed by ithas even been cut off from his people.”
(Exodus 37:25–29)
You shall make an altar to burn incense on. You shall make it of acacia wood.
Its length shall be a cubit,(a) and its width a cubit. It shall be square, and its height shall be two cubits. Its horns shall be of one piece with it.
You shall overlay it with pure gold, its top, its sides around it, and its horns; and you shall make a gold molding around it.
You shall make two golden rings for it under its molding; on its two ribs, on its two sides you shall make them; and they shall be for places for poles with which to bear it.
You shall make the poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold.
You shall put it before the veil that is by the ark of the covenant, before the mercy seat that is over the covenant, where I will meet with you.
Aaron shall burn incense of sweet spices on it every morning. When he tends the lamps, he shall burn it.
When Aaron lights the lamps at evening, he shall burn it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your generations.
You shall offer no strange incense on it, nor burnt offering, nor meal offering; and you shall pour no drink offering on it.
Aaron shall make atonement on its horns once in the year; with the blood of the sin offering of atonement once in the year he shall make atonement for it throughout your generations. It is most holy to the LORD.”

The Census Offering

(2 Samuel 24:1–9; 1 Chronicles 21:1–6)
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
When you take a census of the children of Israel, according to those who are counted among them, then each man shall give a ransom for his soul to the LORD when you count them, that there be no plague among them when you count them.
They shall give this, everyone who passes over to those who are counted, half a shekel according to the shekel (b) of the sanctuary (the shekel is twenty gerahs (c)); half a shekel for an offering to the LORD.
Everyone who passes over to those who are counted, from twenty years old and upward, shall give the offering to the LORD.
The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less, than the half shekel,(d) when they give the offering of the LORD, to make atonement for your souls.
You shall take the atonement money from the children of Israel, and shall appoint it for the service of the Tent of Meeting; that it may be a memorial for the children of Israel before the LORD, to make atonement for your souls.”

The Bronze Basin

(Exodus 38:8)
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
You shall also make a basin of bronze, and its base of bronze, in which to wash. You shall put it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and you shall put water in it.
Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet in it.
When they go into the Tent of Meeting, they shall wash with water, that they not die; or when they come near to the altar to minister, to burn an offering made by fire to the LORD.
So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that they not die. This shall be a statute forever to them, even to him and to his descendants throughout their generations.”

The Anointing Oil

Moreover the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
“Also take fine spices: of liquid myrrh, five hundred shekels;(e) and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, even two hundred and fifty; and of fragrant cane, two hundred and fifty;
and of cassia five hundred, according to the shekel of the sanctuary; and a hin (f) of olive oil.
You shall make it into a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.
You shall use it to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the ark of the covenant,
the table and all its articles, the lamp stand and its accessories, the altar of incense,
the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils, and the basin with its base.
You shall sanctify them, that they may be most holy. Whatever touches them shall be holy.
You shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and sanctify them, that they may minister to me in the priest’s office.
You shall speak to the children of Israel, saying, ‘This shall be a holy anointing oil to me throughout your generations.
It shall not be poured on man’s flesh, and do not make any like it, according to its composition. It is holy. It shall be holy to you.
Whoever compounds any like it, or whoever puts any of it on a stranger, he shall be cut off from his people.’”

The Incense

The LORD said to Moses, “Take to yourself sweet spices, gum resin, onycha, and galbanum: sweet spices with pure frankincense. There shall be an equal weight of each.
You shall make incense of it, a perfume after the art of the perfumer, seasoned with salt, pure and holy.
You shall beat some of it very small, and put some of it before the covenant in the Tent of Meeting, where I will meet with you. It shall be to you most holy.
You shall not make this incense, according to its composition, for yourselves: it shall be to you holy for the LORD.
Whoever shall make any like that, to smell of it, he shall be cut off from his people.”


(a)30:2 A cubit is the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow on a man’s arm, or about 18 inches or 46 centimeters.
(b)30:13 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
(c)30:13 a gerah is about 0.5 grams or about 7.7 grains
(d)30:15 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces.
(e)30:23 A shekel is about 10 grams or about 0.35 ounces, so 500 shekels is about 5 kilograms or about 11 pounds.
(f)30:24 A hin is about 6.5 liters or 1.7 gallons.