Gottes Neue Bibel

The Prophet Ezekiel

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 25 -

And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
Son of man, set your face toward the sons of Ammon, and prophesy against them;
and you have said to the sons of Ammon: Hear a word of Lord YHWH! Thus said Lord YHWH: Because of your saying, Aha, to My sanctuary, || Because it has been defiled, || And to the ground of Israel, || Because it has been desolate, || And to the house of Judah, || Because they have gone into a removal:
Therefore, behold, I am giving you to sons of the east for a possession, || And they set their towers in you, || And have placed their dwelling places in you. They eat your fruit, and they drink your milk,
And I have given Rabbah for a habitation of camels, || And the sons of Ammon for the crouching of a flock, || And you have known that I [am] YHWH.
For thus said Lord YHWH: Because of your clapping the hand, || And of your stamping with the foot, || And you rejoice with all your despite in soul || Against the ground of Israel,
Therefore, behold, I have stretched out My hand against you, || And have given you for a portion to nations, || And I have cut you off from the peoples, || And caused you to perish from the lands; I destroy you, and you have known that I [am] YHWH.

A Prophecy against Moab

Thus said Lord YHWH: Because of the saying of Moab and Seir: Behold, the house of Judah [is] as all the nations;
Therefore, behold, I am opening the shoulder of MoabFrom the citiesfrom his citiesfrom his frontier, || The beauty of the land, Beth-Jeshimoth, Ba‘al-Meon, and Kiriathaim,
To the sons of the east, with the sons of Ammon, || And I have given it for a possession, || So that the sons of Ammon are not remembered among nations.
And I do judgments in Moab, || And they have known that I [am] YHWH.

A Prophecy against Edom

Thus said Lord YHWH: Because of the doings of Edom, || In taking vengeance on the house of Judah, || Indeed, they are very guilty, || And they have taken vengeance on them.
Therefore, thus said Lord YHWH: I have stretched out My hand against Edom, || And I have cut off man and beast from it, || And given it upa ruin, from Teman even to Dedan, || They fall by sword.
And I have given My vengeance on Edom, || By the hand of My people Israel, || And they have done in Edom, || According to My anger, and according to My fury, || And they have known My vengeance, || A declaration of Lord YHWH.

A Prophecy against the Philistines

Thus said Lord YHWH: Because of the doings of the Philistines in vengeance, || And they take vengeance with despite in soul, || Destruction [with] continuous enmity,
Therefore, thus said Lord YHWH: Behold, I am stretching out My hand against the Philistines, || And I have cut off the Cherethim, || And destroyed the remnant of the haven of the sea,
And done great vengeance on them with furious reproofs, || And they have known that I [am] YHWH, || In My giving out My vengeance on them!”