Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 23 -

Woe to shepherds destroying, || And scattering the flock of My pasture,” || A declaration of YHWH.
Therefore, thus said YHWH, God of Israel, || Against the shepherds who feed My people: “You have scattered My flock, and drive them away, || And have not inspected them, || Behold, I am charging on you the evil of your doings,” || A declaration of YHWH.
And I gather the remnant of My flock || Out of all the lands to where I drove them, || And have brought them back to their fold, || And they have been fruitful, and multiplied.
And I have raised shepherds for them, || And they have fed them, || And they no longer fear, nor are frightened, || Nor are they lacking,” || A declaration of YHWH.
Behold, days are coming,” || A declaration of YHWH, || “And I have raised a righteous shoot to David, || And a king has reigned and acted wisely, || And done judgment and righteousness in the earth.
Judah is saved in His days, and Israel dwells confidently, || And this [is] His Name that YHWH proclaims Him: Our Righteousness.
Therefore, behold, days are coming,” || A declaration of YHWH, || “And they no longer say, YHWH lives who brought up || The sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt,
ButYHWH lives, who brought up, || And who brought in, the seed of the house of Israel, || From the land of the north, || And from all the lands to where I drove them, || And they have dwelt on their own ground!”

Lying Prophets

In reference to the prophets: My heart has been broken in my midst, || All my bones have fluttered, || I have been as a mana drunkard, || And as a manwine has passed over him, || Because of YHWH, and of His holy words.
For the land has been full of adulterers, || For the land has mourned because of these, || The pleasant places of the wilderness have dried up, || And their course is evil, and their mightnot right.
For both prophet and priest have been profane, || Indeed, I found their wickedness in My house,” || A declaration of YHWH.
Therefore their way is as slippery places to them, || They are driven into thick darkness, || And they have fallen in it, || For I bring in calamity against them, || The year of their inspection,” || A declaration of YHWH.
And I have seen folly in prophets of Samaria, || They have prophesied by Ba‘al, || And cause My peopleIsraelto err.
And I have seen a horrible thing in prophets of Jerusalem, || Committing adultery, and walking falsely, || Indeed, they strengthened the hands of evildoers, || So that they have not turned back, || Each from his wickedness, || All of them have been as Sodom to me, || And its inhabitants as Gomorrah.”
Therefore, thus said YHWH of Hosts, concerning the prophets: “Behold, I am causing them to eat wormwood, || And have caused them to drink water of gall, || For from prophets of Jerusalem || Profanity has gone forth to all the land.”
Thus said YHWH of Hosts: “You do not listen to the words || Of the prophets who are prophesying to you, || They are making you vain things, || They speak a vision of their own heart, || Not from the mouth of YHWH.
Diligently saying to those despising, || The word of YHWH: Peace is for you, || And [to] everyone walking in the stubbornness of his heart, they have said: Evil does not come to you.”
For who has stood in the counsel of YHWH, || And sees and hears His word? Who has regarded My word, and listens?
Behold, a whirlwind of YHWHFury has gone out, even a piercing whirlwind, || It stays on the head of the wicked.
The anger of YHWH does not turn back || Until His doing, and until His establishing, || The thoughts of His heart, || In the latter end of the days || You attend to it with understanding.
I have not sent the prophets, and they have run, || I have not spoken to them, and they have prophesied.
But if they stood in My counsel, || Then they cause My people to hear My words, || And they turn them back from their evil way, || And from the evil of their doings.
[Am] I a God near,” || A declaration of YHWH, || “And not a God far off?
Is anyone hidden in secret places, || And I do not see him?” A declaration of YHWH, “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” A declaration of YHWH.
I have heard that which the prophets said, || Who prophesy falsehood in My Name, saying, || I have dreamed, I have dreamed.
Until when is it in the heart of the prophets? The prophets of falsehood, || Indeed, prophets of the deceit of their heart,
Who are devising to cause My people || To forget My Name by their dreams, || That they each recount to his neighbor, || As their fathers forgot My Name for Ba‘al.
The prophet with whom [is] a dream, || Let him recount the dream, || And he with whom [is] My word, || Let him truly speak My word. What does the straw [have to do] with the grain?” A declaration of YHWH.
Is it not thus? My word [is] as fire,” || A declaration of YHWH. “And as a hammerit breaks a rock in pieces.
Therefore, behold, I [am] against the prophets,” || A declaration of YHWH, || “Each stealing My words from his neighbor.
Behold, I [am] against the prophets,” || A declaration of YHWH, || “Who are making their tongue smooth, || And they affirman affirmation.
Behold, I [am] against the prophets of false dreams,” || A declaration of YHWH, || “And they recount them, and cause My people to err, || By their falsehoods, and by their instability, || And I have not sent them, || Nor have I commanded them, || And they are not profitable to this people at all,” || A declaration of YHWH.

False Prophecies

And when this people, or the prophet, || Or a priest, asks you, saying, What [is] the burden of YHWH? Then you have said to them: You [are] the burden, and I have left you,” || A declaration of YHWH.
And the prophet, and the priest, and the people, || That says, The burden of YHWH, || I have seen after that man, and after his house.
Thus you each say to his neighbor, || And each to his brother: What has YHWH answered? And what has YHWH spoken?
And you do not mention the burden of YHWH anymore, || For the burden to each is His word, || And you have overturned the words of the living God, YHWH of Hosts, our God.
Thus you say to the prophet, || What has YHWH answered you? And what has YHWH spoken?
And if you say, The burden of YHWH, || Therefore, thus said YHWH: Because of your saying this word, || The burden of YHWH, || And I send to you, saying, || You do not say, The burden of YHWH.
Therefore, behold, I have utterly taken you away, || And I have sent you out, || And the city that I gave to you, || And to your fathers, from before My face,
And I have put continuous reproach on you, || And continuous shame that is not forgotten!”