Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 138 -

I will thank you with all my heart

BY DAVID. I confess You with all my heart, || I praise You before the gods.
I bow myself toward Your holy temple, || And I confess Your Name, || For Your kindness, and for Your truth, || For You have made Your saying great above all Your Name.
In the day I called, when You answer me, || You strengthen me in my soul [with] strength.
O YHWH, all kings of earth confess You, || When they have heard the sayings of Your mouth.
And they sing in the ways of YHWH, || For the glory of YHWH [is] great.
For YHWH [is] high, and He sees the lowly, || And He knows the haughty from afar.
If I walk in the midst of distress You quicken me, || You send forth Your hand against the anger of my enemies, || And Your right hand saves me.
YHWH perfects for me, || O YHWH, Your kindness [is] for all time, || Do not let the works of Your hands fall!