Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 41 -

Blessed is he who cares for the poor

(John 13:18-30)
TO THE OVERSEER. A PSALM OF DAVID. O the blessedness of him || Who is acting wisely to the poor, || In a day of evil YHWH delivers him.
YHWH preserves him and revives him, || He is blessed in the land, || And You do not give him into the will of his enemies.
YHWH supports [him] on a bed of sickness, || You have turned his bed in his weakness.
I said, “O YHWH, favor me, || Heal my soul, for I sinned against You,”
My enemies say evil of me: When he dies—his name has perished!
And if he came to see—he speaks vanity, || His heart gathers iniquity to itself, || He goes outat the street he speaks.
All hating me whisper together against me, || Against me they devise evil to me:
A worthless thing is poured out on him, || And because he lay down he does not rise again.
Even my ally, in whom I trusted, || One eating my bread, || Made the heel great against me,
And You, YHWH, favor me, || And cause me to rise, || And I give repayment to them.
By this I have known, || That You have delighted in me, || Because my enemy does not shout over me.
As for me, in my integrity, || You have taken hold on me, || And cause me to stand before You for all time.
Blessed [is] YHWH, God of Israel, || From age to age. Amen and Amen.