Gottes Neue Bibel

The Song of Solomon

Literal Standard Version 2020

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- Kapitel 1 -

You are my King

(Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-7)
The Song of Songs, that [is] of Solomon.
Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth, || For better [are] your loves than wine.
For fragrance [are] your good perfumes. Perfume emptied outyour name, || Therefore have virgins loved you!
Draw me: we run after you, || The king has brought me into his inner chambers, || We delight and rejoice in you, || We mention your loves more than wine, || Uprightly they have loved you!

Do not look down on me!

I [am] dark and lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, as tents of Kedar, as curtains of Solomon.
Do not fear me, because I [am] very dark, || Because the sun has scorched me, || The sons of my mother were angry with me, || They made me keeper of the vineyards, || My vineyardmy own—I have not kept.

Where are you?

Declare to me, you whom my soul has loved, || Where you delight, || Where you lie down at noon, || For why am I as one veiled, || By the ranks of your companions?
If you do not know, || O beautiful among women, || Go forth by the traces of the flock, || And feed your kids by the shepherdsdwellings!

You are beautiful!

To my joyous one in chariots of Pharaoh, I have compared you, my friend,
Your cheeks have been lovely with garlands, your neck with chains.
We make garlands of gold for you, with studs of silver!
While the king [is] in his circle, || My spikenard has given its fragrance.
A bundle of myrrh [is] my beloved to me, || Between my breasts it lodges.
A cluster of cypress [is] my beloved to me, || In the vineyards of En-Gedi!
Behold, you [are] beautiful, my friend, || Behold, you [are] beautiful, your eyes [are] doves!
Behold, you [are] beautiful, my love, indeed, pleasant, || Indeed, our bed [is] green,
The beams of our houses [are] cedars, || Our rafters [are] firs, I [am] a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys!