Gottes Neue Bibel

The First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 2 -

My fellow believers, you know that our time with you was very worthwhile.
Although people in Philippi city previously mistreated us and insulted us, as you know, God caused us to be courageous. As a result, we told you the good news that God sent us to tell you, even though some people in your city opposed us very much.
When we encouraged you to obey God’s message, we did not speak to you something false. And we do not want to get something for ourselves by immoral means. We do not try to deceive you or anyone else.
On the contrary, God trusted us to tell you the good news, because he had examined us and considered us to be the right people to do this work. As we teach people, we do not say what they like to hear. Instead, we say what God wants us to say, because he judges everything that we think.
You know that we never praised you in order to get anything from you. And we never said anything to you to convince you to give us things. God knows that this is true!
We never tried to get you or anyone else to honor us, although we could have demanded that you give us the things we needed to live while we were with you, because Messiah had sent us to you.
On the contrary, we were gentle when we were among you, as a mother gently takes care of her own children.
So, because we love you, we were delighted to personally tell you the good message that God gave us. But also we were delighted to do all that we could do to help you because we began to love you very much.
My fellow believers, you remember that we worked hard during the day and also at night. This is how we earned money, so that we would not have to ask any one of you to give us what we needed. We did this while we proclaimed to you the good news about God.
Both you and God know that we lived toward you believers in a very good and right way, in a way that no one could criticize.
You know also that we behaved toward each one of you as a father who loves his children behaves toward them.
We kept strongly exhorting and encouraging you to live like God’s people should, because he has called you to become his people to whom he will show himself as king with the most wonderful power.
This is why we always thank God, because when you heard the message that we told to you, you accepted it as the true message, the good message that God gave to us. We ourselves did not invent it. We also thank God that he is changing your lives because you trust this message.
We are certain about these things, because you acted just like the groups of believers in Judea acted. They also are joined to Messiah Jesus, and, just as they endured it when their fellow countrymen mistreated them because of Messiah, in the same way you have endured it when your own fellow countrymen mistreat you.
Those Jews had killed the Lord Jesus and many prophets, too. Other unbelieving Jews forced us to leave many towns. They really make God angry, and they work against what is best for all human beings!
For example, they try to stop us from telling the good news to non-Jews; they do not want God to save them! They have sinned almost as much as God will allow them to before he punishes them at last!

Paul’s Longing to Visit

My fellow believers, when we had to be away from you for a short time, we felt like parents who had lost their children. We strongly desired to be present with you.
Indeed I, Paul, tried to return several times to see you. But each time Satan prevented us from returning.
Indeed, it is because of you that we hope to do God’s work well; it is you who make us proud; it is because of you that we hope to succeed in serving God. It is because of you as well as others that we hope that the Lord Jesus will reward us when he returns to earth.
Indeed, it is because of you that even now we are pleased and are joyful!

Das Verhalten des Paulus

Ihr selbst wisset es ja, Brüder! dass unser Eingang bei euch nicht erfolglos gewesen ist,
sondern obwohl wir zuvor, wie ihr wisst, in Philippi Leiden und Schmach erduldet hatten, fassten wir, im Vertrauen auf unsern Gott, doch den Mut, euch das Evangelium Gottes zu verkünden in großer Sorgsamkeit.
Denn unser Zuspruch geht nicht aus Irrwahn, noch aus Unlauterkeit hervor, noch ist er mit Trug verbunden,
sondern so wie wir von Gott bewährt erfunden wurden, mit dem Evangelium betraut zu werden, so reden wir nicht als solche, die Menschen gefallen wollen, sondern dem Gott, der unsere Herzen prüft.
Denn weder haben wir uns je schmeichlerischer Worte bedient, wie ihr wisset, noch haben wir Vorwand zur Habsucht gesucht, Gott ist Zeuge!
noch auch suchten wir Ehre von den Menschen, weder von euch, noch von andern.
Obwohl wir euch hätten beschwerlich sein dürfen als Apostel Christi, sind wir vielmehr Kinder geworden in eurer Mitte, wie wenn eine Säugende ihre Kinder pflegt.
So wünschten wir voll Liebe zu euch, von Herzen, euch nicht nur das Evangelium Gottes mitzuteilen, sondern auch unser Leben für euch hinzugeben, weil ihr uns überaus lieb geworden waret.
Ihr erinnert euch ja, Brüder! unserer Mühe und Beschwerde; wie wir Tag und Nacht arbeiteten, um keinem von euch beschwerlich zu fallen, da wir euch das Evangelium Gottes verkündeten.
Ihr seid Zeugen und Gott, wie heilig, gerecht und untadelig wir uns bei euch erwiesen haben, die ihr gläubig geworden seid;
wie wir, ihr wisset es ja, einen jeden von euch (wie ein Vater seine Kinder)
gebeten, ermuntert und beschworen haben, dass ihr Gottes würdig wandeln möchtet, der euch zu seinem Reiche und zu seiner Herrlichkeit berufen hat.

Ihre Bekehrung

Darum danken auch wir Gott ohne Unterlass dafür, dass ihr die Verkündigung des Wortes Gottes, das ihr von uns vernahmet, aufgenommen habt nicht als Menschenwort, sondern (wie es Wahrheit ist) als Gottes Wort, der in euch wirkt, die ihr gläubig geworden seid.
Denn ihr seid Nachahmer geworden, Brüder, der Kirchen Gottes, welche in Judäa sind in Christus Jesus, da auch ihr dasselbe erlitten habet von euren eigenen Volksgenossen, wie sie von den Juden,
welche den Herrn Jesus getötet. Ebenso wie die Propheten, und auch uns verfolgt haben, und Gott mißfällig und allen Menschen feindlich sind,
da sie uns wehren wollen, den Heiden zu predigen, damit diese selig werden, um immerdar das Maß ihrer Sünden voll zu machen; denn der Zorn Gottes ist über sie gekommen zum Ende hin.

Sehnsucht, sie zu sehen

Wir aber, Brüder! verwaist von euch auf kurze Zeit dem Angesichte, nicht dem Herzen nach, haben uns umso mehr beeilt, euer Angesicht zu sehen mit großem Verlangen;
wollten wir doch zu euch kommen, nämlich ich, Paulus, einmal und ein zweites Mal, doch der Satan hat uns gehindert.
Denn wer ist unsere Hoffnung oder unsere Freude oder unsere Ruhmeskrone? Seid es nicht ihr vor unserm Herrn Jesus Christus bei seiner Ankunft?
Ja, ihr seid unsere Ehre und unsere Freude!