Gottes Neue Bibel

The Prophet Amos

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

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- Kapitel 1 -

(Jeremiah 12:14–17)
This is the message that Yahweh gave to Amos, a shepherd near the town of Tekoa south of Jerusalem. He received this message about Israel in a vision two years before the big earthquake. It was when Uzziah was the king of Judah and Jeroboam son of King Jehoash, was the king of Israel.
This is what Amos said: “Yahweh will shout very loudly; when he speaks from Mount Zion in Jerusalem, his voice will sound like thunder. When that happens, the pastures where you shepherds take care of your sheep will dry up, and the grass on top of Mount Carmel will wither because Yahweh will order the rain not to fall.”
This is also what Yahweh said to me: “I will punish the people of Damascus, the capital of Aram, because of the many sins that they have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because of the cruel things that they did to the people of the region of Gilead.
I will cause a fire to burn the palace that King Hazael built and lived in, the fortress where his son King Ben Hadad also lived.
I will cause the gates of Damascus to be broken down; I will get rid of the king of Biqat Aven and the man who rules in Beth Eden. The people of Aram will be captured and taken to the region of Kir.”
Yahweh also said this to me: “I will punish the people of the cities of Philistia; I will punish the people of Gaza because of the many sins that they have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they captured large groups of people and took them to Edom and sold them to become the slaves of the people there.
I will cause a fire to completely burn the walls of Gaza and also destroy its fortresses.
I will get rid of the king of the city of Ashdod and the king who rules in the city of Ashkelon. I will also strike the people of the city of Ekron, and all the people of Philistia who are still alive will be killed.”
Yahweh also said this to me: “I will punish the people of the city of Tyre because of the many sins that their people have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them because they also captured large groups of our people and took them to Edom, disregarding the treaty of friendship that they had made with your rulers.
So I will cause a fire to completely burn the walls of Tyre and also destroy its fortresses.”
Yahweh also said this to me: “I will punish the people of Edom because of the many sins that their people have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because they pursued the people of Israel, who descended from Esau’s brother Jacob, and killed them with swords; they did not act mercifully toward them at all. They were extremely angry with the people of Israel, and they continue to be angry with them.
I will cause a fire to burn the district of Teman in Edom and completely burn the fortresses of Bozrah, the biggest city in Edom.”
Yahweh also said this to me: “I will punish the people of Ammon because of the many sins that they have committed; I will not change my mind about punishing them, because their soldiers even ripped open the bellies of pregnant women when their army attacked the region of Gilead to gain more territory.
I will cause a fire to completely burn the walls of the city of Rabbah and to completely burn its fortresses. During that battle, their enemies will shout loudly and the fighting will be like a great storm.
After the battle, the king of Ammon and his officials will go into exile.”
(Jeremia 12,14-17)
Worte des Amos, eines der Hirten von Thekua, die er über Israel schaute in den Tagen Ozias, des Königs von Juda, und in den Tagen Jeroboams, des Sohnes Joas, des Königs von Israel, zwei Jahre vor dem Erdbeben.
Und er sprach: Der Herr wird von Sion her brüllen und von Jerusalem seine Stimme erschallen lassen, da werden sie schönen Auen der Hirten trauern und des Karmels Gipfel verdorren.

Gericht über die Völker

So spricht der Herr: Wegen der drei, ja vier Missetaten von Damaskus wende ich dies nicht ab, weil sie Galaad mit eisernen Wagen gedroschen haben.
Und ich will Feuer über das Haus Azaels senden, das die Paläste Benadads verzehren soll.
Ich will die Riegel von Damaskus zerbrechen, ausrotten die Bewohnerschaft aus dem Gefilde des Götzen und den Zepterträger aus dem Hause der Wonne und das Volk Syriens soll nach Cyrene weggeführt werden, spricht der Herr.
So spricht der Herr: Wegen der drei, ja vier Missetaten von Gaza werde ich dies nicht abwenden, weil sie alle Gefangenen weggeführt, um sie an Idumäa zu überliefern.
Ich werde Feuer über die Mauern Gazas senden, das seine Paläste verzehren soll.
Ich werde die Bewohner von Azot vertilgen und den Zepterträger aus Askalon und werde meine Hand gegen Akkaron wenden und der Überrest der Philister soll zugrunde gehen, spricht der Herr, Gott.
So spricht der Herr: Wegen der drei, ja vier Missetaten von Tyrus werde ich dies nicht abwenden, weil sie alle Gefangenen Judäas an Idumäa überliefert und des Bruderbundes nicht gedacht haben.
Ich will Feuer über die Mauern von Tyrus senden, das seine Paläste verzehren soll.
So spricht der Herr: Wegen der drei, ja vier Missetaten von Edom werde ich dies nicht abwenden, weil es seinen Bruder mit dem Schwerte verfolgt und die Barmherzigkeit gegen ihn verletzt hat und im Grimm verharrt für und für und seinen Zorn bewahrt immerdar.
Ich will Feuer entsenden über Theman, dies soll die Paläste Bosras verzehren.
So spricht der Herr: Wegen der drei, ja vier Missetaten der Söhne Ammons werde ich dies nicht abwenden, weil sie die Schwangern Galaads aufgeschlitzt haben, um ihr Gebiet zu erweitern.
Ich will Feuer entzünden auf den Mauern Rabbas, das ihre Paläste verzehren soll unter Kriegsgeschrei am Tage des Kampfes und im Sturme am Tage des Erdbebens.
Und Melchom soll in die Gefangenschaft wandern, er und seine Fürsten zumal, spricht der Herr.