Gottes Neue Bibel

The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 2 -

(Colossians 2:6–23)
Before you trusted Messiah you were powerless to obey God. You were as helpless as a person who is dead.
You were like most people in the world today, and you, too, did what Satan wants, Satan is the ruler of the evil spirits who have such power over the world. Satan is the evil spirit who is at work in the lives of people who disobey God.
We were at one time among those who disobeyed God; we did the evil things that we desired, things that would bring pleasure to our bodies and our minds. So God was very angry with us, just as with the others.
But God acts very mercifully, and he loves us very much.
We were like dead people, powerless to obey God, but then he made us live again by joining us to Messiah. God has saved us because he has been very, very kind to us.
He raised us up from among those who are like dead people, and he gave us seats of honor to rule with Messiah Jesus in heavenly places.
He did this to show in future times how kind he has been to us, for we are joined to Messiah Jesus.
For God has saved you from his punishment by his extreme kindness given to you because you trust Jesus. You have not saved yourselves; this is a gift from God,
a gift that no one can earn, so no one can boast and say that he has saved himself.
So God has created us as new people joined to Messiah Jesus, so we can do good things, things that God planned long ago for us to do.

One in Christ

(Philippians 2:1–4)
Do not forget that you non-Jewish believers were previously called Gentiles because you were not born as Jews. The Jews insulted you by calling you “uncircumcised pagans.” They call themselves “the circumcision”; by this they mean that they, not you, are God’s people, although circumcision is something that only humans do, not God.
At that time, you did not have any part of Messiah and you were not part of his people Israel. You did not know God’s promises and law. You did not have confidence in the future that God promised you, and as you lived your lives, you did not know God.
But now because of what Messiah Jesus has done, you have been able to trust in him because Messiah agreed to die on the cross.
Messiah has brought peace and unity between Jews and non-Jews by destroying the barrier between us, as if he had destroyed a wall of hate that separated our peoples from one another.
He made it no longer necessary for us to obey all the Jewish laws and commandments. He made Jews and non-Jews into one people instead of two because he made peace between us.
Jesus caused Jews and non-Jews together to both become friends with God in one new group of believers. By dying on the cross, Jesus made it possible for them to stop hating each other.
Jesus came and proclaimed the gospel that brings peace with God; he proclaimed it both to you non-Jews, who did not know about God, and to us Jews, who did know about God.
Through Jesus both Jews and non-Jews now can speak with the Father because God’s Spirit lives in all believers.

Christ Our Cornerstone

(Isaiah 28:14–22; 1 Corinthians 3:10–15; 1 Peter 2:1–8)
Therefore now you non-Jews are no longer strangers and foreigners to God’s people, but instead you are fellow members with those whom God has set apart for himself, and you belong to God’s family for whom God is the Father.
You are like stones that God has made to be part of his building, and the building is built on what the apostles and prophets taught. The most important stone, the cornerstone, of the building is Messiah Jesus himself.
Jesus is increasing his family of believers and fitting them together like a temple of stones is built and fit together, increasing as the Lord joins new believers to himself.
Jesus is building you up together, both Jews and non-Jews, into one family in which God lives by means of his Spirit.

Aus Gnade durch Glaube

(Kolosser 2,6-23)
Auch euch, die ihr tot waret durch eure Übertretungen und Sünden,
in welchen ihr einst wandeltet nach dem Zeitlaufe dieser Welt, nach dem Herrscher, der Macht hat über diese Luft, über den Geist, welcher jetzt wirksam ist in den Kindern des Unglaubens,
unter welchen auch wir alle einst wandelten in den Begierden unseres Fleisches, die Gelüste des Fleisches und der Gedanken vollbringend, und wir waren von Natur Kinder des Zorns, wie auch die übrigen;
Gott aber, welcher reich ist an Erbarmen, hat um seiner überaus großen Liebe willen, mit der er uns geliebt hat,
uns, ob wir gleich tot waren durch Übertretungen, lebendig gemacht mit Christus (durch dessen Gnade ihr gerettet seid)
und mitauferweckt und mitversetzt in den Himmel in Christus Jesus,
damit er in den folgenden Zeiten den überströmenden Reichtum seiner Gnade zeige in Güte gegen uns in Christus Jesus.
Denn durch die Gnade seid ihr errettet mittels des Glaubens, und dies nicht aus euch, denn es ist Gottes Gabe,
nicht aus Werken, damit Niemand sich rühme.
Denn sein Gebilde sind wir, geschaffen in Christus Jesus zu guten Werken, welche Gott vorherbereitet hat, dass wir in denselben wandeln sollen.

Durch sein Blut nahe gebracht

(Philipper 2,1-4)
Darum seid eingedenk, das einst ihr, die ihr Heiden waret dem Fleische nach und Unbeschnittene von denen genannt wurdet, an welchen die Beschneidung im Fleische mit Händen geschehen ist,
dass ihr in jener Zeit ohne Christus waret, ausgeschlossen von der Gemeinschaft Israels, und fremd den Bündnissen waret, ohne Hoffnung auf die Verheißung, und ohne Gott in dieser Welt.
Jetzt aber seid ihr in Christus Jesus, die ihr einst ferne, nahe gebracht worden durch das Blut Christi.

Christus unser Friede

Denn er ist unser Friede, er, der aus beiden eines gemacht und die in Mitte stehende Scheidewand, die Feindschaft, durch sein Fleisch aufgehoben hat.
indem er das Gesetz der Gebote durch Satzungen aufhob, auf dass er die zwei in sich selbst zu einem neuen Menschen schaffe, indem er Frieden stiftete,
und beide, zu einem Leibe vereinigt, mit Gott versöhnte durch das Kreuz, nachdem er die Feindschaft an sich selbst getötet.
Er kam und verkündete den Frieden euch, die ihr ferne waret, und Frieden denen, die nahe waren;
denn durch ihn haben wir beide in einem Geiste Zutritt zum Vater.

Christus unser Eckstein

(Jesaja 28,14-22; 1. Korinther 3,10-15; 1. Petrus 2,1-8)
So seid ihr denn nicht mehr Fremdlinge und Beisassen, sondern ihr seid Mitbürger der Heiligen und Hausgenossen Gottes,
auferbaut auf dem Grunde der Apostel und Propheten, indem Christus Jesus selbst der Eckstein ist,
in welchem der ganze Bau zusammengefügt ist und heranwächst zu einem heiligen Tempel im Herrn,
auf welchem auch ihr miterbaut werdet zu einer Wohnung Gottes im Geiste.