Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 146 -

Praise the Lord, my soul

Praise Yahweh. With my whole inner being I will praise Yahweh.
I will praise Yahweh as long as I am alive; I will sing to praise my God all the rest of my life.
You people, do not trust in your leaders; do not trust humans because they cannot save.
When they die, their corpses decay and become soil again. After they die, they can no longer do the things that they planned to do.
But how fortunate are those whom God helps, the God whom Jacob worshiped. These are the people who confidently expect Yahweh, their God, to help them.
He is the one who created the heavens and the earth, the oceans and all the creatures that are in them. He always does what he has promised to do.
He decides matters fairly for those who are treated unfairly, and he provides food for those who are hungry. He frees those who are in prison.
Yahweh enables those who are blind to see again. He lifts up those who have fallen down. He loves the righteous people.
Yahweh takes care of those from other countries who live in our land, and he helps widows and orphans. But he stops wicked people from what they are doing.
Yahweh will continue to be our king forever; you people of Israel, your God will rule forever! Praise Yahweh!

Lobe den HERRN, meine Seele

Alleluja! von Aggäus und Zacharias!
Lobe, meine Seele, den Herrn! Ich will den Herrn loben, so lange ich lebe; meinen Gott lobsingen, so lange ich lebe. Vertraut nicht auf Fürsten,
auf Menschenkinder, die nicht helfen können!
Wenn sein Odem ausgeht, kehrt er zurück zu seiner Erde; an jenem Tage vergehen alle ihre Gedanken.
Glückselig, wessen Helfer der Gott Jakobs ist, der seine Hoffnung auf den Herrn, seinen Gott, setzt,
der Himmel und Erde erschaffen hat, das Meer und alles, was darin ist;
der ewig Treue wahrt, Recht schafft denen, die Unrecht leiden, und den Hungrigen Speise gibt. Der Herr erlöst die Gefangenen,
der Herr erleuchtet die Blinden, der Herr richtet die Gebeugten auf, der Herr liebt die Gerechten.
Der Herr beschützt die Fremdlinge, der Waise und der Witwe nimmt er sich an und vernichtet die Wege der Sünder.
Der Herr ist König in Ewigkeit, dein Gott, o Sion! von Geschlecht zu Geschlecht.