Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 64 -

The offending tongue

(James 3:1-12)
God, listen to me as I tell you the things about which I am worried. I am afraid of my enemies; please save me from them.
Protect me from what wicked men are planning to do to me; protect me from that group of men who do what is evil.
The hostile things they say are like sharp swords; their cruel words are like arrows.
They are not afraid of anyone; they lie about people and slander those who have done no wrong. They are like someone who suddenly jumps up from where he is hiding and shoots arrows at his enemies.
They encourage each other about doing the evil things that they are planning to do; they talk with each other about where they can set traps to catch people. They say, “No one will see what we are doing
because we have planned very well the things that we are going to do.” What people can think and plan in their inner beings is truly amazing!
But it will be as though God will shoot his arrows at them, and suddenly they will be wounded.
Because what they say proves they are guilty, God will get rid of them. Everyone who sees what has happened to them will shake their heads to mock them.
Then everyone will be afraid to sin because of what might happen to them also; they will tell others what God has done, and they themselves will think much about it.
Righteous people should rejoice because of what Yahweh has done; they should go to him to find refuge; and all those who honor him will praise him.

Die verletzende Zunge

(Jakobus 3,1-12)
Zum Ende, Psalm Davids.
Erhöre, o Gott! mein Gebet, da ich flehe, von dem Schrecken des Feindes rette meine Seele.
Du wirst mich beschirmen vor der Gemeinschaft der Bösewichter, vor der Rotte der Übeltäter.
Denn sie schärfen wie ein Schwert ihre Zungen, spannen den Bogen, eine bittere Waffe,
um im Verborgenen auf den Unbefleckten zu schießen.
Jählings schießen sie auf ihn ohne Scheu; sie halten fest an bösem Anschlag, verabreden sich, Fallstricke zu verbergen, und sagen: Wer wird sie sehen?
Sie ersinnen Freveltat, haben ersonnen, was sie gedachten, und der Mensch erhebt sein Herz zu hohen Dingen,
aber Gott zeigt sich erhaben! Die Wunden von ihnen sind wie durch Pfeile von Kinderhand
und ihre Zungen werden schwach wider sie. Es entsetzen sich alle, die die sehen,
und alle Menschen erfasst Furcht; sie verkünden Gottes Tun und erkennen seine Werke.
Der Gerechte erfreut sich in dem Herrn und vertraut auf ihn, und frohlocken werden alle, die aufrichtigen Herzens sind.