Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 99 -

The Lord reigns!

(Psalm 93:1-5)
Yahweh is the supreme king, so all the people groups should tremble in his presence! He sits on his throne in the temple above the statues of winged creatures, so the earth should quake!
Yahweh is a mighty king in Jerusalem; he is also the supreme ruler of all the people groups.
They should praise him because he is very great; he is holy!
He is a mighty king who loves what is just; he has acted justly and fairly in Israel.
Praise Yahweh, our God! Worship him in front of his footstool, the sacred chest in his temple, where he rules people. He is holy!
Moses and Aaron were two of his priests; Samuel also was someone who prayed to him. Those three cried out to Yahweh to help them, and he answered them.
He spoke to Moses and Aaron from the cloud that was like a huge pillar; they obeyed all the laws and commandments that he gave to them.
Yahweh, our God, you answered your people when they cried out to you to help them; you are a God who forgave them for the sins that they had committed, even though you punished them for the things that they did that were wrong.
Praise Yahweh, our God, and worship him at the temple on his sacred hill; it is right to do that because Yahweh, our God, is holy!

Der HERR regiert!

(Psalm 93,1-5)
Ein Psalm Davids. Der Herr ist König, es mögen die Völker grollen; der auf dem Cherubim thront, es bebe die Erde!
Der Herr ist groß auf Sion und erhaben über alle Völker.
Sie sollen deinen großen Namen preisen, denn er ist furchtbar und heilig
und die Ehre des Königs liebt das Recht. Gerade Wege hast du gebahnt, Recht und Gerechtigkeit hast du an Jakob geübt.
Erhebet den Herrn, unseren Gott, und fallet nieder vor dem Schemel seiner Füße; denn er ist heilig.
Moses und Aaron waren unter seinen Priestern und Samuel unter denen, die seinen Namen anriefen; sie riefen den Herrn an und er erhörte sie.
In der Wolkensäule redete er zu ihnen, sie bewahrten seine Zeugnisse und die Gebote, die er ihnen gegeben.
Herr, unser Gott, du erhörtest sie, o Gott! du warst ihnen gnädig und rächtest alle Anschläge wider sie.
Erhebet den Herrn, unsern Gott, und betet an auf seinem heiligen Berge; denn heilig ist der Herr, unser Gott!