Gottes Neue Bibel

The Epistle of Paul to Titus

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 2 -

But as for you, Titus, you must teach people what is appropriate behavior for people who believe the truth about God.
Tell the older men that they must control themselves at all times, that they must live in a way that other people respect, and that they must act sensibly. Tell them that they must also firmly believe the true things about God, love others truly, and do all these things even when it is difficult.
In this way, they will be able to advise the younger women to love their own husbands and children. Tell them that they must not say mean or false things about other people, and that they must not be addicted to drinking a lot of wine. Instead, they should teach others what is good.
In this way, they should teach the younger women to think wisely and to love their own husbands and children.
The older women should also teach the younger women to control what they say and do, not to act in a bad way toward any man, to work well at home, and to do what their husbands tell them. They should do all these things so that no one can mock God’s message to us.
As for the younger men, urge them likewise to control themselves well.
When you teach the believers, make sure that everything you say is true and say it in a way that they will respect.
Teach people in a way that no one can criticize, so that if anybody wants to stop you, other people will shame them because they really have nothing bad to say about any of us.
About our brothers and their families who are slaves: They should always submit to their masters. As much as possible, they should live in a way that pleases their masters in every way, and they should not argue with them.
They must not steal even little things from their masters; instead, they should be faithful to them, and they should do everything in a way that leads people to admire all that we teach about God, who saves us.

God’s Grace Brings Salvation

Titus, all that I have written adds up to this: Everyone is now able to know that God wishes to save them; this is his gift to them.
This saving grace from God trains us, as if we were children, to say no to the desires that are found in this world. It helps us to think about things in the right way, to be honest, truthful, and fair to other people and to always keep God in our thoughts and actions while we live in this world.
At the same time, God teaches us to wait for what he will certainly do in the future, which is something that will make us very happy: That is, Jesus the Messiah, our Savior and powerful God, will return to us in great splendor.
He gave himself to die as the payment to free us from our lawless nature, to make us his cherished possession, a treasured people that he has made clean, a people whose greatest joy is to do what is good.
Titus, speak about these things. Urge those who hear you to live as I have described. And use your full right of command to correct our brothers and sisters when it is necessary. Let no one disregard what you say.

Qualitäten einer gesunden Versammlung

Du aber rede, was der gesunden Lehre angemessen ist:
Dass die bejahrten Männer nüchtern sein sollen, ehrbar, klug gesund im Glauben, in der Liebe, in der Geduld;
die bejahrten Frauen desgleichen in ihrer Haltung, wie es Heiligen geziemt, nicht verleumderisch, nicht dem Trunke ergeben, gute Lehren gebend,
damit sie die jungen Frauen Besonnenheit lehren, ihre Männer und ihre Kinder zu lieben,
besonnen, keusch, sittsam, häuslich, gütig, ihren Männern untertan zu sein, damit das Wort Gottes nicht gelästert werde.
Die jüngeren Männer ermahne auf gleiche Weise, sittsam sich selbst zu beherrschen.
In allen Dingen erweise dich selbst als Vorbild guter Werke, in Lehre, in Unsträflichkeit, in Würde.
Deine Worte seien lauter, untadelig, damit der Widersacher beschämt werde, wenn er nichts Böses hat, das er über uns sagen könnte.
Die Knechte ermahne, ihren Herren untertan, in allem wohlgefällig zu sein, nicht widersprechend,
nichts entwendend, sondern in allem sich vollkommen treu erweisend, damit sie der Lehre Gottes, unsers Heilandes, in allen Stücken zur Zierde gereichen.

Geschult durch rettende Gnade

Denn die Gnade Gottes, unseres Heilandes ist allen Menschen erschienen.
und unterweist uns, dass wir der Gottlosigkeit und den weltlichen Lüsten entsagen, sittsam, gerecht und fromm leben in dieser Welt,
indem wir der seligen Hoffnung harren und der Ankunft der Herrlichkeit des großen Gottes, und unsers Heilandes Jesus Christus,
welcher sich selbst für uns dahingegeben hat, damit er uns von aller Ungerechtigkeit erlöste, und sich ein Volk rein darstellte, das er sich zu eigen nehmen könne, das eifrig ist in guten Werken.
So rede und ermahne, und weise zurecht mit allem Nachdruck. Niemand dürfe dich gering achten!