God's New Bible

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Catholic Public Domain Version 2009

- Chapter 36 -

A prayer for the church of God. Of a good heart, and a good wife.

O God of all, take pity on us, and look with favor on us, and show us the light of your compassion.
And send your fear upon the Gentiles, who have not sought you, so that they may acknowledge that there is no God except you, and so that they may declare your great deeds.
Lift up your hand over unbelieving nations, so that they may see your power.(a)
For just as, in their sight, you have been sanctified in us, so also, in our sight, you will be magnified in them.
So may they know you, as we also have known you. For there is no God apart from you, O Lord.
Renew your signs, and work new wonders.
Glorify your hand and your right arm.
Stir up your fury, and pour out your wrath.
Take away our adversary, and afflict our enemy.
Hasten the time, and remember the end, so that they may declare your miracles.
Let those who escape be devoured by the wrath of fire. And let those who harass your people find perdition.
Crush the head of the leaders of the enemies, for they say: “There is no other beside us.”
Gather together all the tribes of Jacob, so that they may acknowledge that there is no God except you, and so that they may declare your great deeds. And you will inherit them, as from the beginning.
Take pity on your people, over whom your name has been invoked, and on Israel, whom you have treated as your firstborn.
Take pity on Jerusalem, the city of your sanctification, the city of your rest.
Fill Zion with your ineffable words, and fill your people with your glory.
Give testimony to those who have been your creations from the beginning, and lift up the prophecies which the former prophets spoke in your name.
Give a reward to those who endure for you, so that your prophets may be found to be faithful. And heed the prayers of your servants,
in accord with the blessing of Aaron over your people. And direct us in the way of justice, and let all who inhabit the earth know that you are God, the Beholder of all ages.
The belly can devour any food, yet one meal is better than another.
The palate tests the meat of wild animals, and the understanding heart tests false words.
A corrupt heart will cause grief, and a man of experience will resist it.
A woman can receive any male, yet one daughter is better than another.(b)
The beauty of a wife cheers the face of her husband, and rises above his desire, above all the desires of man.
If she offers healing words, then she both comforts and shows mercy; and so her husband is not like other men.
He who holds to a good wife establishes a possession. She is a helper in agreement with him, and she is a pillar of rest.
Where there is no hedge, a possession will be trampled. And where there is no wife, he will mourn her absence.
Who will trust one who has no nest, and who conceals himself wherever his course may take him, like a well-equipped robber passing from city to city?


(a)36:3 The word ‘gentes’ in this context refers to those who are unbelieving; in the context of the Jews of Old Testament times, this would refer to non-Jews, but in the context of the present-day, this would refer to non-Catholic, especially non-Christians. The word ‘alienas’ is often translated as strangers or foreigners, but here it refers more to nations or peoples other than those who believe.(Conte)
(b)36:23 A woman will receive every man:That is, any man that her parents propose to her to marry, though she does not like him, but marries in obedience to her parents, who make the choice for her.(Challoner)