Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Jesus Sirach

Douay-Rheims :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 9 -

Cautions with regard to women, and dangerous conversations.

Be not jealous over the wife of thy bosom, lest she shew in thy regard the malice of a wicked lesson.
Give not the power of thy soul to a woman, lest she enter upon thy strength, and thou be confounded.
Look not upon a woman that hath a mind for many: lest thou fall into her snares.
Use not much the company of her that is a dancer, and hearken not to her, lest thou perish by the force of her charms.
Gaze not upon a maiden, lest her beauty be a stumblingblock to thee.
Give not thy soul to harlots in any point: lest thou destroy thyself and thy inheritance.
Look not round about thee in the of the city, nor wander up and down in the streets thereof.
Turn away thy face from a woman dressed up, and gaze not about upon another’s beauty.
For many have perished by the beauty of a woman, and hereby lust is enkindled as a fire.
Every woman that is a harlot, shall be trodden upon as dung in the way.
Many by admiring the beauty of another man’s wife, have become reprobate, for her conversation burneth as fire.
Sit not at all with another man’s wife, nor repose upon the bed with her:
And strive not with her over wine, lest thy heart decline towards her, and by thy blood thou fall into destruction.
Forsake not an old friend, for the new will not be like to him.
A new friend is as new wine: it shall grow old, and thou shalt drink it with pleasure.
Envy not the glory and riches of a sinner: for thou knowest not what his ruin shall be.
Be not pleased with the wrong done by the unjust, knowing that even to hell the wicked shall not please.
Keep thee far from the man that hath power to kill, so thou shalt not suspect the fear of death.
And if thou come to him, commit no fault, lest he take away thy life.
Know it to be a communication with death: for thou art going in the midst of snares, and walking upon the arms of them that are grieved:
According to thy power beware of thy neighbor, and treat with the wise and prudent.
Let just men be thy guests, and let thy glory be in the fear of God.
And let the thought of God be in thy mind, and all thy discourse on the commandments of the Highest.
Works shall be praised for the hand of the artificers, and the prince of the people for the wisdom of his speech, but word of the ancients for the sense.
A man full of tongue is terrible in his city, and he that is rash in his word shall be hateful.

Cautions with regard to women, and dangerous conversations.

Don’t be jealous over the wife of your bosom, and don’t teach her an evil lesson against yourself.
Don’t give your soul to a woman and let her trample down your strength.
Don’t go to meet a woman who plays the prostitute, lest perhaps you fall into her snares.
Don’t associate with a woman who is a singer, lest perhaps you be caught by her tricks.
Don’t gaze at a virgin, lest perhaps you stumble and incur penalties for her.
Don’t give your soul to prostitutes, that you not lose your inheritance.
Don’t look around in the streets of the city. Don’t wander in its deserted places.
Turn your eye away from a beautiful woman, and don’t gaze at another’s beauty. Many have been led astray by the beauty of a woman; and with this, passion is kindled like a fire.
Don’t dine at all with a woman who has a husband, or revel with her at wine,(a) lest perhaps your soul turn away to her, and with your spirit you slide into destruction.
Don’t forsake an old friend; for a new one is not comparable to him. A new friend is like new wine: if it becomes old, you will drink it with gladness.
Don’t envy the success of a sinner; for you don’t know what his end will be.
Don’t delight in the delights of the ungodly. Remember they will not go unpunished to(b) the grave.
Keep yourself far from the man who has(c) power to kill, and you will not be troubled by the fear of death. If you come to him, commit no fault, lest he take away your life. Know surely that you go about in the midst of snares, and walk upon the battlements of a city.
As well as you can, aim to know your neighbors, and take counsel with the wise.
Let your conversation be with men of understanding. Let all your discourse be in the law of the Most High.
Let righteous people be companions at your table. Let your glorying be in the fear of the Lord.
A work is commended because of the skill of the artisan; so he who rules the people will be considered wise for his speech.
A loudmouthed man is dangerous in his city. He who is reckless in his speech will be hated.


(a)9:9 The preceding line of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.
(b)9:12 Gr. Hades.
(c)9:13 Or, authority