Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Geneva Bible 1599

- Kapitel 61 -

You have heard my vow

To him that excelleth on Neginoth. A Psalme of David. Heare my cry, O God: giue eare vnto my prayer.
From the endes of the earth will I crye vnto thee: when mine heart is opprest, bring me vpon the rocke that is higher then I.
For thou hast bene mine hope, and a strong tower against the enemie.
I will dwell in thy Tabernacle for euer, and my trust shall be vnder the couering of thy wings. Selah.
For thou, O God, hast heard my desires: thou hast giuen an heritage vnto those that feare thy Name.
Thou shalt giue the King a long life: his yeeres shalbe as many ages.
Hee shall dwell before God for euer: prepare mercie and faithfulnes that they may preserue him.
So will I alway sing prayse vnto thy Name in performing dayly my vowes.