God's New Bible

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Chapter 35 -

They rejoice from the wilderness and dry place, || And the desert rejoices, || And flourishes as the rose,
Flourishing it flourishes, and rejoices, || Indeed, [with] joy and singing, || The glory of Lebanon has been given to it, || The beauty of Carmel and Sharon, || They see the glory of YHWH, || The majesty of our God.
Strengthen the feeble hands, || Indeed, strengthen the stumbling knees.
Say to the hurried of heart, “Be strong, || Do not fear, behold, your God; vengeance comes, || The repayment of God, || He Himself comes and saves you.”
Then eyes of the blind are opened, || And ears of the deaf are unstopped,
Then the lame leap as a deer, || And the tongue of the mute sings, || For waters have been broken up in a wilderness, || And streams in a desert.
And the mirage has become a pond, || And the thirsty land—fountains of waters, || In the habitation of dragons, || Its place of lying down, || A court for reed and rush.
And a highway has been there, and a way, || And it is called theWay of Holiness.” The unclean do not pass over it, || And He Himself [is] by them, || Whoever is going in the wayeven fools do not err.
No lion is there, || Indeed, a destructive beast does not ascend it, || It is not found there, || And the redeemed have walked,
And the ransomed of YHWH return, || And have entered Zion with singing, || And [with] continuous joy on their head, || They attain joy and gladness, || And sorrow and sighing have fled away!