God's New Bible

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Chapter 60 -

Arise, shine, for your light has come, || And the glory of YHWH has risen on you.
For behold, the darkness covers the earth, || And thick darkness the peoples, || And YHWH rises on you, || And His glory is seen on you.
And nations have come to your light, || And kings to the brightness of your rising.
Lift up your eyes around and see, || All of them have been gathered, they have come to you, || Your sons come from afar, || And your daughters are supported on the side.
Then you see, and have become bright, || And your heart has been afraid and enlarged, || For the multitude of the sea turn to you, || The forces of nations come to you.
A multitude of camels covers you, || Dromedaries of Midian and Ephah, || All of them from Sheba come, || They carry gold and frankincense, || And they proclaim the praises of YHWH.
All the flock of Kedar are gathered to you, || The rams of Nebaioth serve you, || They ascend My altar for acceptance, || And I beautify the house of My beauty.
Who [are] these—they fly as a thick cloud, || And as doves to their windows?
Surely islands wait for Me, || And ships of Tarshish first, || To bring your sons from afar, || Their silver and their gold with them, || To the Name of your God YHWH, || And to the Holy One of Israel, || Because He has beautified you.
And sons of a stranger have built your walls, || And their kings serve you, || For in My wrath I have struck you, || And in My good pleasure I have pitied you.
And your gates have continually opened, || They are not shut by day and by night, || To bring the force of nations to you, || Even their kings are led.
For the nation and the kingdom that does not serve you perishes, || Indeed, the nations are utterly desolated.
The glory of Lebanon comes to you, || Fir, pine, and box together, || To beautify the place of My sanctuary, || And I make the place of My feet honorable.
And the sons of those afflicting you || Have come to you, bowing down, || And all despising you || Have bowed themselves to the soles of your feet, || And they have cried to you: The City of YHWH, || Zion of the Holy One of Israel!
Instead of your being forsaken and hated, || And none passing through, || I have made you for a continuous excellence, || A joy of generation and generation.
And you have sucked the milk of nations, || Indeed, you suckle the breast of kings, || And you have known that I, YHWH, || Your Savior, and Your Redeemer, || [Am] the Mighty One of Jacob.
Instead of the bronze I bring in gold, || And instead of the iron I bring in silver, || And instead of the wood bronze, || And instead of the stone iron, || And I have made your inspection peace, || And your exactors righteousness.
Violence is not heard in your land anymore, || Spoiling and destruction in your borders, || And you have called your walls Salvation, || And your gates Praise.
The sun is no longer your light by day, || And for brightness the moon does not give light to you, || And YHWH has become to you || A continuous light, and your God your beauty.
Your sun goes in no more, || And your moon is not removed, || For YHWH becomes a continuous light to you. And the days of your mourning have been completed.
And all your people [are] righteous, || They possess the earth for all time, || A branch of My planting, || A work of My hands, to be beautified.
The little one becomes a chief, || And the small one a mighty nation, || I, YHWH, hurry it in its own time!”