God's New Bible

The Book of Psalms

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Chapter 79 -

A prayer for deliverance

(Psalm 74:1-23; Jeremiah 52:1-11)
A PSALM OF ASAPH. O God, nations have come into Your inheritance, || They have defiled Your holy temple, || They made Jerusalem become heaps,
They gave the dead bodies of Your servants || [As] food for the birds of the heavens, || The flesh of Your saints || For the wild beast of the earth.
They have shed their blood || As water around Jerusalem, || And there is none burying.
We have been a reproach to our neighbors, || A scorn and a derision to our surrounders.
Until when, O YHWH? Are You angry forever? Your jealousy burns as fire.
Pour Your fury on the nations who have not known You, || And on kingdoms that have not called on Your Name.
For [one] has devoured Jacob, || And they have made his habitation desolate.
Do not remember for us the iniquities of forefathers, || Hurry, let Your mercies go before us, || For we have been very weak.
Help us, O God of our salvation, || Because of the glory of Your Name, || And deliver us, and cover over our sins, || For Your Name’s sake.
Why do the nations say, “Where [is] their God?” Let [it] be known among the nations before our eyes, || The vengeance of the blood of Your servants that is shed.
Let the groaning of the prisoner come in before You, || According to the greatness of Your arm, || Leave the sons of death.
And return to our neighbors, || Sevenfold to their bosom, their reproach, || With which they reproached You, O Lord.
And we, Your people, and the flock of Your pasture, || We give thanks to You for all time, || We recount Your praise from generation to generation!