Gottes Neue Bibel

The Prophet Ezekiel

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 7 -

And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying, “And you, son of man, || Thus said Lord YHWH to the ground of Israel:
An end, the end has come on the four corners of the land.
Now [is] the end for you, || And I have sent My anger on you, || And judged you according to your ways, || And set all your abominations against you.
And My eye has no pity on you, nor do I spare, || For I set your ways against you, || And your abominations are in your midst, || And you have known that I [am] YHWH.
Thus said Lord YHWH: Calamity, a single calamity, behold, it has come.
An end has come, the end has come, || It has awoken for you, behold, it has come.
The circlet has come to you, O inhabitant of the land! The time has come, a day of trouble [is] near, || And not the shouting of mountains.
Now shortly I pour out My fury on you, || And have completed My anger against you, || And judged you according to your ways, || And set all your abominations against you.
And My eye does not pity, nor do I spare, || I give to you according to your ways, || And your abominations are in your midst, || And you have known that [it is] I, YHWH, striking.
Behold, the day, behold, it has come, || The circlet has gone forth, || The rod has blossomed, the pride has flourished.
The violence has risen to a rod of wickedness, || There is none of them, nor of their multitude, || Nor of their noise, nor is there wailing for them.
The time has come, the day has arrived, || The buyer does not rejoice, || And the seller does not become a mourner, || For wrath [is] to all its multitude.
For the seller does not turn to the sold thing, || And yet their life [is] among the living, || For the vision [is] to all its multitude, || It does not turn back, || And none strengthens his life by his iniquity.

The Desolation of Israel

They have blown with a horn to prepare the whole, || And none is going to battle, || For My wrath [is] to all its multitude.
The sword [is] outside, || And the pestilence and the famine within, || He who is in a field dies by sword, || And he who is in a cityFamine and pestilence devour him.
And their fugitives have escaped away, || And they have been on the mountains || As doves of the valleys, || All of them making a noiseeach for his iniquity.
All the hands are feeble, and all knees go [as] waters.
And they have girded on sackcloth, || And trembling has covered them, || And shame [is] on all faces, || And baldness on all their heads.
They cast their silver into out-places, || And their gold becomes impurity. Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them, || In a day of the wrath of YHWH, || They do not satisfy their soul, || And they do not fill their bowels, || For it has been the stumbling-block of their iniquity.
As for the beauty of his ornament, || He set it for excellence, || And the images of their abominations, || Their detestable thingsthey made in it, || Therefore I have given it to them for impurity,
And I have given it into the hand of the strangers for a prey, || And to the wicked of the land for a spoil, || And they have defiled it.
And I have turned My face from them, || And they have defiled My hidden place, || Indeed, destroyers have come into it, and defiled it.
Make the chain; for the land || Has been full of bloody judgments, || And the city has been full of violence.
And I have brought in the wicked of the nations, || And they have possessed their houses, || And I have caused the excellence of the strong to cease, || And those sanctifying them have been defiled.
Destruction has come, || And they have sought peace, and there is none.
Disaster comes on disaster, and report is on report, || And they have sought a vision from a prophet, || And law perishes from [the] priest, || And counsel from [the] elderly,
The king becomes a mourner, || And a prince puts on desolation, || And the hands of the people of the land are troubled, || I deal with them from their own way, || And I judge them with their own judgments, || And they have known that I [am] YHWH!”