Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 22 -

The burden of the Valley of Vision. What is [troubling] you now, that you have gone up, || All of youto the roofs?
Full of stirsa noisy cityan exulting city, || Your pierced are not pierced of the sword, || Nor dead in battle.
All your rulers fled from the bow together, || All found of you have been bound, || They have been kept bound together, || They have fled far off.
Therefore I said, “Look [away] from me, || I am bitter in my weeping, do not hurry to comfort me, || For the destruction of the daughter of my people.”
For a day of noise, and of treading down, || And of perplexity, [is] to the Lord, YHWH of Hosts, || In the Valley of Vision, digging down a wall, || And crying to the mountain.
And Elam has carried a quiver, || In a chariot of menhorsemen, || And Kir has exposed a shield.
And it comes to pass, || The choice of your valleys have been full of chariots, || And the horsemen diligently place themselves at the gate.
And one removes the covering of Judah, || And in that day you look || To the armor of the house of the forest,
And you have seen the breaches of the City of David, || For they have become many, || And you gather the waters of the lower pool,
And you numbered the houses of Jerusalem, || And you break down the houses to fortify the wall.
And you made a ditch between the two walls, || For the waters of the old pool, || And you have not looked to its Maker, || And you have not seen its Framer of old.
And the Lord calls, YHWH of Hosts, || In that day, to weeping and to lamentation, || And to baldness and to girding on of sackcloth,
And behold, joy and gladness, slaying of oxen, || And slaughtering of sheep, || Eating of flesh, and drinking of wine, || Eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.
And it has been revealed in my ears, || [By] YHWH of Hosts: This iniquity is not pardoned to you, || Until you die, said the Lord, YHWH of Hosts.

A Message for Shebna

Thus said the Lord, YHWH of Hosts: “Go forth, go to this steward, || To Shebna, who [is] over the house:
What are you [doing] here? And who has [allowed] you here? That you have hewn out a tomb for yourself here? Hewing his tomb on high, || Carving a dwelling for himself in a rock.
Behold, YHWH is casting you up and down, || A casting up and down, O mighty one,
And your coverer covering, wrapping around, || Wraps you around, O babbler, || On a land of broad sidesthere you die, || And there the chariots of your glory [are] the shame of the house of your lord.
And I have thrust you from your station, || And he throws you down from your office.
And it has come to pass in that day, || That I have called to My servant, || To Eliakim son of Hilkiah.
And I have clothed him with your coat, || And I strengthen him with your girdle, || And I give your garment into his hand, || And he has been for a father to the inhabitant of Jerusalem, || And to the house of Judah.
And I have placed the key || Of the house of David on his shoulder, || And he has opened, and none is shutting, || And has shut, and none is opening.
And I have fixed him [as] a nail in a steadfast place, || And he has been for a throne of glory || To the house of his father.
And they have hanged on him || All the glory of the house of his father, || The offspring and the issue, || All vessels of small quality, || From vessels of basins to all vessels of flagons.
In that daya declaration of YHWH of Hosts, || The nail that is fixed is moved || In a steadfast place, || Indeed, it has been cut down, and has fallen, || And the burden that [is] on it has been cut off, || For YHWH has spoken!”