God's New Bible

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Chapter 31 -

Woe [to] those going down to Egypt for help, || And [who] lean on horses, || And trust on chariots, because [they are] many, || And on horsemen, because [they are] very strong, || And have not looked on the Holy One of Israel, || And have not sought YHWH.
And He [is] also wise, and brings in evil, || And He has not turned aside His words, || And He has risen against a house of evildoers, || And against the help of workers of iniquity.
And the Egyptians [are men], and not God, || And their horses [are] flesh, and not spirit, || And YHWH stretches out His hand, || And the helper has stumbled, || And the helped one has fallen, || And together all of them are consumed.
For thus said YHWH to me: “As the lion and the young lion growl over his prey, || Against whom a multitude of shepherds is called, || He is not frightened from their voice, || And he is not humbled from their noise; So YHWH of Hosts comes down || To war on Mount Zion, and on her height.
As birds flying, so does YHWH of Hosts || Cover over Jerusalem, covering and delivering, || Passing over, and causing to escape.”
Turn back to Him from whom sons of Israel || Have deepened apostasy.
For in that day each despises His idols of silver, and his idols of gold, || That your hands made to youa sin.
And Asshur has fallen by sword, not of the high, || Indeed, a swordnot of the low, consumes him, || And he has fled for himself from the face of a sword, || And his young men become tributary.
And he passes on [to] his rock from fear, || And his princes have been frightened by the ensigna declaration of YHWH, || Who has a light in Zion, || And who has a furnace in Jerusalem!