Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of the Prophet Isaiah

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 9 -

(Matthew 4:12–17; Mark 1:14–15; Luke 4:14–15)
For [there will be] no gloom on her who [is] distressed as at the former time. The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, || So the latter has honored the way of the sea, || Beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations.
The people who are walking in darkness || Have seen a great light, || Dwellers in a land of death-shade, || Light has shone on them.
You have multiplied the nation, || You have made its joy great, || They have rejoiced before You as the joy in harvest, || As [men] rejoice in their apportioning spoil.
Because the yoke of its burden, || And the staff of its shoulder, the rod of its exactor, || You have broken as [in] the day of Midian.
For every battle of a warrior [is] with rushing, and raiment rolled in blood, || And it has been for burning—fuel of fire.
For a Child has been born to us, || A Son has been given to us, || And the dominion is on His shoulder, || And He calls His Name || Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, || Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of [His] dominion, || And of peace, there is no end, || On the throne of David, and on His kingdom, || To establish it, and to support it, || In judgment and in righteousness, || From now on, even for all time, || The zeal of YHWH of Hosts does this.

Judgment against Israel’s Pride

The Lord has sent a word into Jacob, || And it has fallen in Israel.
And the people have known—all of it, Ephraim, and the inhabitant of Samaria, || In pride and in greatness of heart, saying,
“Bricks have fallen, and we build hewn work, || Sycamores have been cut down, and we renew cedars.”
And YHWH sets the adversaries of Rezin on high above him, || And he joins his enemies together,
Aram from before, and Philistia from behind, || And they devour Israel with the whole mouth. With all this His anger has not turned back, || And His hand is still stretched out.

Judgment against Israel’s Hypocrisy

And the people has not turned back to Him who is striking it, || And they have not sought YHWH of Hosts.
And YHWH cuts off head and tail from Israel, || Branch and reed—the same day.
Elderly and accepted of faces—he [is] the head, || And prophet teaching falsehood—he [is] the tail.
And the eulogists of this people are causing to err, || And its eulogized ones are consumed.
Therefore, the Lord does not rejoice over its young men, || And He does not pity its orphans and its widows, || For everyone [is] profane, and an evildoer, || And every mouth is speaking folly. With all this His anger has not turned back, || And His hand is still stretched out.

Judgment against Israel’s Unrepentance

For wickedness has burned as a fire, || It devours brier and thorn, || And it kindles in thickets of the forest, || And they lift themselves up, an exaltation of smoke!
In the wrath of YHWH of Hosts || The land has been consumed, || And the people is as fuel of fire; A man has no pity on his brother,
And cuts down on the right, and has been hungry, || And he devours on the left, || And they have not been satisfied, || They each devour the flesh of his own arm.
Manasseh—Ephraim, and Ephraim—Manasseh, || Together they [are] against Judah, || With all this His anger has not turned back. And His hand is still stretched out!