Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 30 -

(Ezekiel 28:25–26)
The word that has been to Jeremiah from YHWH, saying,
Thus spoke YHWH, God of Israel, saying, Write for yourself all the words that I have spoken to you on a scroll.
For behold, days are cominga declaration of YHWHand I have turned back [to] the captivity of My people Israel and Judah, said YHWH, and I have caused them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they possess it.”
And these [are] the words that YHWH has spoken concerning Israel and concerning Judah:
Surely thus said YHWH: “We have heard a voice of trembling, || Fearand there is no peace.
Now ask and see, is a male bringing forth? Why have I seen every man || [With] his hands on his loins, as a travailing woman, || And all faces have been turned to paleness?
Woe! For that day [is] great, without any like it, || Indeed, it [is] the time of Jacob’s tribulation, || Yet he is saved out of it.
And it has come to pass in that day, || A declaration of YHWH of Hosts, || I break his yoke from off your neck, || And I draw away your bands, || And strangers lay no more service on him.
And they have served their God YHWH, || And David their king whom I raise up to them.
And you, do not be afraid, My servant Jacob, || A declaration of YHWH, || Nor be frightened, O Israel, || For behold, I am saving you from afar, || And your seed from the land of their captivity, || And Jacob has turned back and rested, || And is quiet, and there is none troubling.
For I [am] with you,” || A declaration of YHWH, || “To save you, || For I make an end of all the nations || To where I have scattered you, || Only, I do not make an end of you, || And I have disciplined you in judgment, || And do not entirely acquit you.”
For thus said YHWH: “Your breach is incurable, your stroke grievous,
There is none judging your cause to bind up, || There are no healing medicines for you.
All loving you have forgotten you, || They do not seek you, || For I struck you with the stroke of an enemy, || The discipline of a fierce one, || Because of the abundance of your iniquity, your sins have been mighty!
Why do you cry concerning your breach? Your pain [is] incurable, || Because of the abundance of your iniquity, || Your sins have been mighty! I have done these to you.
Therefore all consuming you are consumed, || And all your adversariesall of themGo into captivity, || And your spoilers have been for a spoil, || And I give up all your plunderers to plunder.
For I increase health to you, || And I heal you from your strokes,” || A declaration of YHWH, || “For they have called you an outcast, [saying], || It [is] Zion, || There is none seeking for her.”
Thus said YHWH: “Behold, I turn back [to] the captivity of the tents of Jacob, || And I pity his dwelling places, || And the city has been built on its heap, || And the palace remains according to its ordinance.
And thanksgiving has gone forth from them, || And the voice of playful ones, || And I have multiplied them and they are not few, || And made them honorable, and they are not small.
And his sons have been as before, || And his congregation is established before Me, || And I have seen after all his oppressors.
And his majestic one has been of himself, || And his ruler goes forth from his midst, || And I have caused him to draw near, || And he has drawn near to Me, || For who [is] he who has pledged his heart || To draw near to Me?” A declaration of YHWH.
And you have been to Me for a people, || And I am to you for God.”
Behold, a whirlwind of YHWHFury has gone fortha cutting whirlwind, || It stays on the head of the wicked.
The fierceness of the anger of YHWH || Does not turn back until He has done [it], || Indeed, until His establishing the purposes of His heart. In the latter end of the days you consider it!