Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 128 -

Blessed are all who walk in his ways

(Psalm 112:1-10)
How fortunate are you who have an awesome respect for him and do what he wants you to do.
You will be able to enjoy the food you provide yourself with; you will be fortunate and prosperous.
Your wife will be like a grapevine that bears many grapes; she will give birth to many children. Your children who sit around your table; you will be like a strong olive tree that has many shoots growing up around it.
Like that, Yahweh will bless every man who has an awesome respect for him.
I wish that God in his temple on Mount Zion may help you greatly, and that you will see the people of Jerusalem prospering every day that you live!
I wish that you may live many years and that you may have grandchildren and be able to see them. I wish that things may go well for people in Israel!

Selig sind alle, die in seinen Wegen wandeln

(Psalm 112,1-10)
Stufengesang. Glückselig alle, welche den Herrn fürchten, die auf seinen Wegen wandeln.
Denn was deine Hände erarbeitet, wirst du genießen; glücklich bist du und es wird dir wohl gehen!
Dein Weib ist wie ein fruchtbarer Weinstock im Innern deines Hauses, deine Kinder wie Ölbaumschößlinge rings um deinen Tisch her.
Siehe, so wird der Mann gesegnet, der den Herrn fürchtet!
Der Herr segne dich von Sion aus und du mögest alle Tage deines Lebens das Glück Jerusalems schauen
und Kinder deiner Kinder schauen. Friede über Israel!