Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: World English Bible Catholic

- Kapitel 93 -

The Lord reigns!

(Psalm 99:1-9)
Yahweh, you have become the King! The majesty and the power that you have are like robes that a king wears. You put the world firmly in place, and it will never be moved out of its place.
You started to rule as king a very long time ago; you have always existed.
Yahweh, when you created the world, you separated the water from the chaotic mass and formed oceans, and the waves of the waters of those oceans still roar,
but you are greater than the roar of those oceans, more powerful than the ocean waves! You are Yahweh, the one who is greater than any other god!
Yahweh, your laws never change, and your temple has always been holy. That will be true forever.

The Lord reigns!

(Psalm 99:1-9)
The LORD reigns! He is clothed with majesty! The LORD is armed with strength. The world also is established. It can’t be moved.
Your throne is established from long ago. You are from everlasting.
The floods have lifted up, LORD, the floods have lifted up their voice. The floods lift up their waves.
Above the voices of many waters, the mighty breakers of the sea, the LORD on high is mighty.
Your statutes stand firm. Holiness adorns your house, LORD, forever more.