God's New Bible

The Book of Judith

World English Bible Catholic :: King James Version

- Chapter 14 -

The Israelites assault the Assyrians, who finding their general slain, are seized with a panic fear.

Judith said to them, “Hear me now, my kindred, and take this head, and hang it upon the battlement of your wall.
It will be, so soon as the morning appears, and the sun comes up on the earth, you shall each take up his weapons of war, and every valiant man of you go out of the city. You shall set a captain over them, as though you would go down to the plain toward the watch of the children of Asshur; but you men shall not go down.
These will take up their full armor, and shall go into their camp and rouse up the captains of the army of Asshur. They will run together to Holofernes’ tent. They won’t find him. Fear will fall upon them, and they will flee before your face.
You men, and all that inhabit every border of Israel, shall pursue them and overthrow them as they go.
But before you do these things, summon Achior the Ammonite to me, that he may see and know him that despised the house of Israel, and that sent him to us, as it were to death.
And they called Achior out of the house of Ozias; but when he came, and saw the head of Holofernes in a man’s hand in the assembly of the people, he fell upon his face, and his spirit failed.
But when they had recovered him,(a) he fell at Judith’s feet, bowed down to her, and said, “Blessed are you in every tent of Judah! In every nation, those who hear your name will be troubled.
Now tell me all the things that you have done in these days.” And Judith declared to him in the midst of the people all the things that she had done, from the day that she went out until the time that she spoke to them.
But when she finished speaking, the people shouted with a loud voice, and made a joyful noise in their city.
But when Achior saw all the things that the God of Israel had done, he believed in God exceedingly, and circumcised the flesh of his foreskin, and was joined to the house of Israel, to this day.
But as soon as the morning arose, they hanged the head of Holofernes upon the wall, and every man took up his weapons, and they went forth by bands to the ascents of the mountain.
But when the children of Asshur saw them, they sent word to their leaders, and they went to their captains and tribunes, and to every one of their rulers.
They came to Holofernes’ tent, and said to him that was over all that he had, “Wake our lord up, now, for the slaves have been bold to come down against us to battle, that they may be utterly destroyed.”
Bagoas went in, and knocked at the outer door of the tent; for he supposed that Holofernes was sleeping with Judith.
But when no one answered, he opened it, went into the bedchamber, and found him cast upon the threshold dead; and his head had been taken from him.
He cried with a loud voice, with weeping, groaning, and shouting, and tore his garments.
He entered into the tent where Judith lodged, and he didn’t find her. He leaped out to the people, and cried aloud,
“The slaves have dealt treacherously! One woman of the Hebrews has brought shame upon the house of King Nebuchadnezzar; for, behold, Holofernes lies upon the ground, and his head is not on him!”
But when the rulers of the army of Asshur heard this, they tore their tunics, and their souls were troubled exceedingly. There were cries and an exceedingly great noise in the midst of the camp.


(a)14:7 Many authorities read he had recovered himself.

The Israelites assault the Assyrians, who finding their general slain, are seized with a panic fear.

Then said Judith unto them, Hear me now, my brethren, and take this head, and hang it upon the highest place of your walls.
And so soon as the morning shall appear, and the sun shall come forth upon the earth, take ye every one his weapons, and go forth every valiant man out of the city, and set ye a captain over them, as though ye would go down into the field toward the watch of the Assyrians; but go not down.
Then they shall take their armour, and shall go into their camp, and raise up the captains of the army of Assur, and shall run to the tent of Holofernes, but shall not find him: then fear shall fall upon them, and they shall flee before your face.
So ye, and all that inhabit the coast of Israel, shall pursue them, and overthrow them as they go.
But before ye do these things, call me Achior the Ammonite, that he may see and know him that despised the house of Israel, and that sent him to us as it were to his death.
Then they called Achior out of the house of Ozias; and when he was come, and saw the head of Holofernes in a man’s hand in the assembly of the people, he fell down on his face, and his spirit failed.
But when they had recovered him, he fell at Judith’s feet, and reverenced her, and said, Blessed art thou in all the tabernacles of Juda, and in all nations, which hearing thy name shall be astonished.
Now therefore tell me all the things that thou hast done in these days. Then Judith declared unto him in the midst of the people all that she had done, from the day that she went forth until that hour she spake unto them.
And when she had left off speaking, the people shouted with a loud voice, and made a joyful noise in their city.
And when Achior had seen all that the God of Israel had done, he believed in God greatly, and circumcised the flesh of his foreskin, and was joined unto the house of Israel unto this day.
And as soon as the morning arose, they hanged the head of Holofernes upon the wall, and every man took his weapons, and they went forth by bands unto the straits of the mountain.
But when the Assyrians saw them, they sent to their leaders, which came to their captains and tribunes, and to every one of their rulers.
So they came to Holofernes’ tent, and said to him that had the charge of all his things, Waken now our lord: for the slaves have been bold to come down against us to battle, that they may be utterly destroyed.
Then went in Bagoas, and knocked at the door of the tent; for he thought that he had slept with Judith.
But because none answered, he opened it, and went into the bedchamber, and found him cast upon the floor dead, and his head was taken from him.
Therefore he cried with a loud voice, with weeping, and sighing, and a mighty cry, and rent his garments.
After he went into the tent where Judith lodged: and when he found her not, he leaped out to the people, and cried,
These slaves have dealt treacherously; one woman of the Hebrews hath brought shame upon the house of king Nabuchodonosor: for, behold, Holofernes lieth upon the ground without a head.
When the captains of the Assyrians’ army heard these words, they rent their coats and their minds were wonderfully troubled, and there was a cry and a very great noise throughout the camp.