God's New Bible

The Natural Sun

Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions

- Chapter 41 -

Cultivation of wheat and other plants

Another official code is that all inhabitants must cultivate wheat, and when ripe collect it into bundles, rubbing it out of the ears and storing the grain.
How do they use it? These seeds, almost the size of your smallish hen's eggs, are cooked in a familiar way and consumed straight away. If you were to cook and eat the wheat at once you would indeed obtain a most nourishing food, but without much taste of course, since the wheat on your Earth contains less sugar than that of this belt. But for the people here their cooked wheat is a most pleasant and enjoyable meal.
At this point some may ask: "How can this be subject to an official regulation?" But I say: just a little patience! One cannot describe an object externally with one word, but harken to what these people have to say about this fruit: among all the fruit grown, none is more worthy of our attention, because none more resembles the living bread (Manna) from heaven. All other fruits as we know them ripen for us to put straight into our mouth from the plant, shrub or tree; but wheat com, although the best of our fruits must first be separated from the ear, which is bristling with pin points and hooks, then cleaned, and if we want to eat it, softened in water made live by fire.
Now look at the bread from heaven, which is the Word of God, proclaimed by the spirits of heaven, how it resembles this wheat seed, which after much effort to prepare, becomes our favourite food! Only after much effort and through testing do we acquire possession of this heavenly bread-word. Having once received it we have to still be purified, through our doing and refraining from doing. For as you know, it is always given us, in a way, enclosing the actual nutrition from the immortal spirit in a hard to open husk, for deep heavenly wisdom. Having finally freed this pure inner com from its shell, we have to cook the hard com in our own living water of the spirit, upon the fire of love for God, so that it would become an eternally sustaining meal for our immortal spirit.
Behold, if you follow these words through, it shall be perfectly clear to you why wheat growing upon this belt is regarded as a national code. Therewith we have learnt another weighty regulation.
Another regulation determines the order in which ground must be cultivated with trees, shrubs and other plant growths. Here too, everything is spread around the house on elongated circles, at whose extremity stands the big fruit trees, up to where the above mentioned spruce fence closes the last row.
This order has its good reason too, for it corresponds according to the wisdom of these residents out of My order, according to which the crudely material, as symbol of rough and exalted wisdom, stands furthest from My love-fire centre. Everything more tender, smaller and weaker is steadily closer to the eternal, chief dwelling of My love. Wherefore the old saying even upon your Earth: the love of God inclines towards the little one! And I Myself once said upon Earth: suffer these little ones to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of God."
From this once again you can see clearly how cultivation of fruit from the ground can be subject to government regulation. And this will become clear to you if you call to mind what went ahead of this national code where it was said that these national regulations actually make up the sacramental part of this belt's inhabitants.
There would indeed be more of them, but if you take note of those mentioned already then you can conclude that all other rules stem from the same cause as outlined, and these are already the main ones.
For this reason we shall now finish with official codes and turn to the religion of the inhabitants on this belt.
