Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 98 -

Sing to the Lord a new song

(Psalm 149:1-9; Isaiah 42:10-17)
Sing to Yahweh a new song because he has done wonderful things! By his power he has defeated his enemies.
Yahweh has declared to people that he has defeated his enemies; he has revealed that he has punished his enemies, and people in all the world have seen that he has done it.
As he promised to us Israelite people, he has faithfully loved us and been loyal to us. People who live in very remote places in all the earth have seen that our God has defeated his enemies.
All you people everywhere should sing joyfully to Yahweh; praise him while you sing and shout joyfully!
Praise Yahweh while you play the lyres, playing delightful music.
Some of you should blow trumpets and other horns while others shout joyfully to Yahweh, our king.
The oceans and all the creatures that are in the oceans should roar to praise Yahweh. Everyone on the earth should sing!
It should seem as though the rivers were clapping their hands to praise Yahweh and that the hills were singing together joyfully in front of Yahweh
because he will come to judge everyone on the earth! He will judge all the people groups in the world justly and fairly.

Singt dem HERRN ein neues Lied

(Psalm 149,1-9; Jesaja 42,10-17)
Psalm Davids. Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, denn er hat Wunder getan. Es half ihm seine Rechte und sein heiliger Arm.
Der Herr hat sein Heil kundgetan, vor den Augen der Völker seine Gerechtigkeit offenbart.
Er gedachte seiner Gnade und seiner Treue gegen das Haus Israel. Alle Enden der Erde schauten das Heil unsers Gottes.
Jubelt Gott, alle Lande! singet, frohlocket und lobsinget!
Lobsinget dem Herrn auf der Zither, auf der Zither mit Psalmengesang,
unter dem Schalle der Trompeten und Hörner! Jubelt vor dem Könige, dem Herrn!
Es brause das Meer und was es erfüllt, der Erdkreis und die darauf wohnen!
Die Ströme mögen in die Hände klatschen, die Berge allzumal frohlocken
vor dem Angesichte des Herrn; denn er kommt, die Erde zu richten. Er wird den Erdkreis mit Gerechtigkeit richten und die Völker mit Billigkeit.